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Java vs C++

Java vs C++

History of Java
Trends Java vs C#

     The Java language was at first called OAK. Originally, it had been developed for handling devices and set-top boxes. Oak was a vast failure. However, in 1995 Sun changed the name to Java and adjusted the language to want the nice issue regarding the increasing World Wide internet development business. 

14 years later, in 2009, Oracle Corporation’s non-transmissible Sun Microsystems took possession of two of their product Java and Solaris.

History of C# 

       The   C# language was developed by  Anders Hejlsberg. In 1999, he designed a team to develop a distinct language that was then referred to as “Cool.”. The project was approved and declared in solar calendar month 2000 at the.Net Developer. Then renamed as C#.

Characteristic of Java

  • A multi-platform, object-oriented, network-centric, artificial language
  • Java can run on nearly any laptop platform Network-centric
  • It is designed for building object-oriented online applications. It helps you to integrate object-oriented programming models.
  • Characteristics of C#
  • Google Trends  Java vs C# 
  • Here, is the list of a few necessary characteristics of the C# programming language:
  • Support for automatic pickup
  • Offers commonplace Library
  • Assembly Versioning
  • Conditional Compilation
  • Simple Multithreading
  • Lambda and LINQ Expressions Integration with Windows.


Java is common quite in the enterprise world these days. If you go for a job java is absolute up class. But along with that if you have C# then your chances of getting higher are high. Once you go through this document you came to know why it’s so.


Both java and c# are objected orient programming that is developer-friendly and not tough to learn. while learning java you will have a grid on the oop concept and the same course as c#. Java has sub similar concept as c#. They have a similar coding style and in some places, they have the same naming concepts and conventions.



                Java has had the advantage of being common in the enterprise world for the past 12 to 15 years.

                Java which is having the advantage of being the primary programming language for android app development.                 

                In java, we can use business logic easily. Implementation is also much easy in java.


                C# which has many model features that a model programming language should have.

                C# is as powerful as java and also it has some speed while executing.                 

                C# programs are run faster than java programs.


How different is C# and Java?

C# is an Object-Oriented, functional, strong-typing, component-oriented language, whereas Java is a class-based Object Oriented language. Operator overloading is not supported in Java, although many operators are supported in C#.

Pointers aren’t supported in Java, and they’re only supported in an unsafe mode in C#.

Is Java better than C#?

C is a compiled procedural language with a minimal level of abstraction.

Java is a high-level, object-oriented, and interpreted programming language.

Because Java is a high-level language, it is easier to learn and use, yet C can accomplish more and perform quicker because it is closer to machine code.

What does C# have that Java doesn’t?

C# lacks Java’s inner classes entirely; in fact, all nested classes in C# are static nested classes like Java’s.

Static classes (which don’t have any instance constructors and can’t be used for variables, parameters, etc.) don’t exist in Java.

The anonymous types in C# 3.0 have no equivalent in Java

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