Fees Management System

This project “Fee Management System” is a desktop system that enables efficient storage of student records to properly manage the fee records of the students. And it also generates messages for due balances it students’ fee. The system is designed for fee management of a college administration department. It makes searching records easier and faster. Fees Management System project is developed using Java and Mysql. Talking about the project, it has all the essential features. This project has an administration side from Where he/she can view branches, students, fees, report, and manage fees, students, branches, and settings. In this project, all the functions are performed from the Admin side which means there is no user side. To reduce paperwork. To make storage of information more efficient and secure. To have a friendly interface. To operate it easily and with minimum experience. To save time and energy of the admin.
- In the existing system, colleges have tmanuallyly maintained information regarding to Fees deposited by the students.
- College management systems are complete-consumingsuming to maintain fees of students by that very difficult.
- It is not properly capable to manage the student records with their fee details at a single place.
- Managing collection of student fees, issuing fee receipts and fee register updation is a laborious manual process, leading to and/orccuracy and/or reconciliation.
- Preparing every day manually everyday needs additional clerical staff.
- To generate due fees rcompletely required a complete manual procedure, which
- involves a lot of time and clerical staff manpower.
- The fees management System is a desktop system aimed to maintain students’ records and their fees details.
- It also generates records like I.e. Feed Paid, dues, etc.
- The system requires a small amount of time to generate reports needed to manage the fees of the student.
- Managing collection of school fees, issuing fee receipts and fee register updation is done with the help of software resulting in highly accurate data.
- Software provides the facility to print receipts automizing office work.
- This Software provides the facility to generate due fees report easily and at any point
- of time.
- Software directly enters fees receipts into the accounts of the school.